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Empire Builders:
35 X 1 hr episodes

We visit the iconic sites of the world’s great empires and explore the fascinating stories behind them.
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Empire Builders:
The Spanish Empire Season 1

Until the 15th century Spain had not made it’s mark as an empire, instead being the object of conquest itself, first by the Romans and then by the Moslem Moors who both occupied much of the country for several hundred years.
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Empire Builders:
The Inca Empire Season 2

The Inca were one of the world’s largest civilisations of the late Middle Ages until their conquest by the Spanish in 1533 in modern day Peru and surrounding countries.
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Empire Builders:
Los Angeles: Stories from the City: 2 X 1hr – Season 3

Los Angeles, one of the largest cities in the United States’ and the world, has a unique story.
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Ottomans VS Christians: 6 X half HR

The Mediterranean may be a beautiful tourist destination today but in the 16th Century it was the central arena for an almighty power struggle between Christian Europe and the formidable Muslim Ottoman Empire that lasted for over four centuries.
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Travelling in the 70s – Celebrate a golden decade in travel: 2 X 1 hr

The hair was big, the outfits were hot, but even bigger and hotter were the planes, trains, fast cars and the Space age – this was traveling in the 1970s.
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New Series: “Ultimate Blitzkrieg – The WW2 Battle of Crete”

This 3x1hr documentary tells the story of the famous WW2 battle and the four year German occupation of the Greek island of Crete that followed.
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New Documentary: ‘Hope & Fear: How Pandemics Changed the World’
This documentary explores the impact on our planet of viral diseases from throughout the ages.
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