American Rockies


Top 5 Utah

It’s not likely that the words “This is the place” – immortalised by Brigham Young, one of the original leaders of the Mormon church and founder of Salt Lake City – will be uttered by too many visitors to the city today.

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Lewis & Clark’s Native American Trail

In 1803, two young army officers set off west at the behest of President Jefferson to explore the newly acquired territory of Louisiana & find a practical transportation link between this region & the ‘Oregon Country’ territory claimed by the US following the discovery of the mouth of the Columbia River in 1792.

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The Oregon Trail

For a period of twenty years from the 1840’s through to the  1860’s Some 53,000 people. made the arduous 2000- mile journey from Independence, Missouri through Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Idaho to the tip of Oregon. 

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