The World’s Most Visited Cities
More than half of the the 10 most visited cities in the world are now located outside Europe and the United States . Four cities are in Asia including the most visited city, Bangkok.
Read moreMore than half of the the 10 most visited cities in the world are now located outside Europe and the United States . Four cities are in Asia including the most visited city, Bangkok.
Read moreSay the word Borneo and you immediately think of deep dark jungles, malaria infested swamps, dangerous and primitive headhunting tribes – well, you’d be a few hundred years out of date if you still thought that.
Read moreIn San Fernando, 40 miles from Manila, the Capital of the Philippines, a controversial religious ritual takes place at Easter. The people of San Fernando re-enact the seven last days of Jesus Christ, culminating in crucifixion at high noon on good Friday.
Read morePenang food incorporates bits and pieces of so many different Asian traditions that it is hard to pin down what actually is Penang Cuisine.
Read moreFifteen miles from Sandakan, the Sepilok Orang-Utan Rehabilitation Centre was established in 1964 to return injured or orphaned apes back to the wild.
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