Monticello – Jefferson’s essay in architecture
Monticello, two miles southeast of Charlottesville in Virginia, is the home of Thomas Jefferson – third President of the United States of America and one of the nation’s founding fathers.
Read moreMonticello, two miles southeast of Charlottesville in Virginia, is the home of Thomas Jefferson – third President of the United States of America and one of the nation’s founding fathers.
Read moreVirginia oozes history – every town has associations with the Revolution or the Civil War and no more so than Richmond, the once capital of the confederacy and now the capital of the state.
Read moreWhat better way to work off Virginia’s food and cultural excesses than on the Appalachian Trail – a 2,175-mile footpath along the ridge-crests and valleys of theAppalachian Mountains traversing 14 states from Maine to Georgia.
Read moreAmerica’s Great Lakes, with an abundance of coal, iron ore, and lots of water, fuelled an unparalleled industrial revolution. The
Read moreAmerica’s Great Lakes, with an abundance of coal, iron ore, and lots of water, fuelled an unparalleled industrial revolution. The
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