Stunning Borobudur
Visit the ancient monument of Borobudur for sunrise. Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist structure in the world. It’s a one hour drive from Yogyakarta, in Java.
The temple is a colossal multi-tiered Buddhist stupa built in the 9th century by the Saliendra dynasty on Hindu foundations.
The display of architecture contrasts greatly with other Buddhist temples in terms of design, scale and grandness. The colossal feel of the grounds are enhanced by the rocky, volcanic backdrop. The monument itself is made up of six square and three circular platforms and topped by a central dome supported by 72 Buddha statues. The compound has over 2500 relief panels and over 500 Buddha statues.
Visitors should do as the Buddhist pilgrims used to do – walking clockwise around the base of the temple before ascending to the next tier via the eastern stairway. This process was repeated on every level until eventually they arrived at the summit – nirvana!
Borobudur is pregnant with symbolism so it’s a good idea to get a guide. He can bring you to the lucky stupa – touch the Buddha’s foot and reach your other hand skywards and your wish will come true!
The site can become very crowded as it is one of Java’s premier tourist attractions . Try to avoid public or school holidays or you will be mobbed, particularly by Indonesian kids keen to practise their English. Bring plenty of water.
Destination – Indonesia