Travel presenter series – Judith Jones
Where do you call home, and what’s your insider secret for someone who is a visitor there?
Home is now in sunny Santa Monica, California. I’ve lived here for over seven years and there’s nothing better than arriving to sun and palm trees after long (cold) trips away! Watching the sun set over the pacific ocean from the Santa Monica bluff (or from the terrace at Shutters on the beach) is pretty magical. Followed by fish tacos at Oscar’s Cerveteca in Venice.
What’s the easiest way to start a conversation in a foreign land?
With a smile.
What do you worry about now when heading off on a travel adventure?
I worry about not finding the authentic. I always want to feel like I’ve experienced the “real” country and not just a tourist version of it.
What’s on your travel bucket list?
Japan, Israel, Cuba and Columbia are high up on my travel wish list.
Must-have personal item you take travelling?
Comfortable flats. My favorite tea bags for the plane and Emergen-C.
Most bizarre food you’ve tried?
Iguana in Puerto Rico. Tasted like a very rubbery chicken.
First thing you like to do when you get home after a long time on the road?
Take a long, hot bubble bath and have a cup of hot tea. Then I go to the supermarket and stock up on all my creature comfort foods.
Best place you’ve been to that’s ideal for people travelling on a budget?
Marrakech, Morocco. It’s cheap to get around, you can eat well on a budget, and buy gorgeous Moroccan goods for very decent prices, especially if you are good at haggling.
One life lesson learned while travelling that’s stayed with you?
Learning at least a few phrases in the language of your destination goes a long way. So does a smile! Respect the country’s cultural habits and traditions.
And say YES to new opportunities! Get out of your comfort zone. Those experiences will often be your most memorable.
That was more than one life lesson, but I’ve learnt many while traveling!
What show would you like to make an X years later (sequel) of?
My Globe Trekker episode in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was the first show I presented for Globe Trekker so I’d love to discover the city again 10 years later, to see how much me and the city have changed!
What are your current pet projects?
My passion project is my Travel & Lifestyle Blog, I love sharing everything from travel experiences and city guide recommendations to fashion tips and global recipes. It’s a creative destination for every day life. You can follow my adventures on Instagram and Twitter @joiedejude
We are constantly asked how to get a job like yours: what’s your advice for anyone who wants to become a presenter/producer/content creator within the travel realm?
I think Nike said it best – Just Do It! Don’t wait to be hired. Make your own creative content, buy a camera, or use your iPhone and get someone to film you. Partake in interesting activities and talk to fascinating people when traveling – then film away! Learn all the skills needed to create your original content. Start a YouTube channel! A little work and effort goes a long way.
Best tips for female solo travellers?
Being aware of your surroundings is key. Have a confident disposition.
Before leaving your hotel or before arriving at your destination, try and be aware of where you are going. Look at a map. Figure out the direction you’re headed in and what you plan to do. This will give you extra confidence in a new place. Usually if I need assistance in directions or if I have any questions, I tend to ask fellow females.
Describe yourself in a Tweet (140 characters):
Energetic, engaging world traveler with a zest for life.