Whale watching in the Canary Islands
In the waters between the islands of Tenerife and La Gomera is a traditional feeding ground for up to 26 species of whales. 800,000 people a year head out to whale watch, and the practice is monitored closely so that the whales are not affected by boats. Organisations such as Whales and Tales are among those whose job it is to protect the whale community.
Tenerife is on a whale migration route and is home to the second biggest community of finned pilot whales in the world.
A third of all species of whales and dolphins of the world live in or pass through the waters of the Canary Islands every year.
An adult pilot whale can measure up to 7.5 metres of length. They move around families groups of up to 14 members, often carrying several little baby whales with them.
The work of the environmental groups protects the harassment of the whales and aims to stop whales from being killed by fast boats and fishermen’s nets.
There are serious restrictions on diving with the mammals. If you are a diver or a marine biologist you can apply for special permit to dive with the whales to the local government. There are very strict restrictions as to how close and for how many hours you can swim with them but it’s all for the sake of their wellbeing.