

Dog Sledding in Greenland

Ammassalik in East Greenland is one of the few places in the country where dog-sledding is still the most common mode of transport in winter. For visitors it’s an ideal way to see this starkly beautiful region with its mountains and ice-berg studded coastline.

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The Northern Lights

Often described as natural fireworks, the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis most often take the form of streaks of colours across the sky, and vary in colour from faint pastel tones of greens, yellows and pinks, through to bright shades of reds and golden yellows.

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Iceberg Alley

Iceberg Alley is the area from Baffin Bay (where icebergs enter the water from the massive glaciers on the southwest coast of Greenland) down to the east coast of Newfoundland and Labrador where the bergs enter the shipping lanes.

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