Deep Down and Dirty: Mud Baths in Iceland
Culture Facts
Where: Hveragerdi, Iceland
What’s it about: Slopping up like a pig to improve your skin and pysche
How to Join in: Slap up and head off for a lovely muddy soak at the NFLI clinic, treatments start at $20 US.
Icelanders love their health business, which you can experience first hand at the mud baths ofHveragerdi. This is the best thing to do after a long trek – relax in a lot of sloppy, slimy, smelly mud. This is probably unique in that it is the only place where people come and reside in the clinic.The clinic was founded in 1955 by doctor Jónas Kristjánsson who introduced new and revolutionary ideas about nutrition, health and health care. The clinic combines modern medical science with Icelandic health care traditions. A mud bath at the NFLI clinic will cost you 2,200 Icelandic Kronur, around $22, but is definitely money well spent.
Glorious Mud
Mud is very good for your skin. One of the things it will do most is increase the blood supply to the skin.Treatments include an anti-aging mask, or muds used to treat acne and problem skins. Muscles and arthritic pain can also be treated with mud as well as sore ligaments and headaches.
By Susi O’Neill