
The “Screech In” Ceremony


  • 1 victim (a foreign one)
  • 1 native Newfoundlander or more (only ones allowed to perform the ceremony)
  • real fish (preferably a cod – but any whole fish will do – just make sure it’s dead).
  • Sou’Wester (or pink woolly hat?)
  • A bottle of Screech Rum


  1. The ceremony host has the victim stand in front of a group of witnesses while wearing the Sou’Wester (does a pink woolly hat count?). The host holds up the fish for the victim to kiss it… on the lips (gruesome!).
  2. The host and witnesses have the final say on whether the kiss is sufficient to continue. Sometimes 2 or more kisses may have to be administered.
  3. Next, the host pours a generous shot of Screech. This is handed to the victim and he or she has to repeat the following, before drinking, and while holding the glass high:
    “Long may your big jib draw”
  4. The victim is then presented with a “Screech In” Certificate – in recognition of their achievement – and welcomed into “The Royal Order of Screechers”.