

Trekking the Mountains of the Moon

The Rwenzori mountain range stretches for sixty miles along the Ugandan-Congo (Zaire) border. Often dubbed ‘the Mountains of the Moon’, their glacial summits are enshrouded in cloud and midst for much of the year. The Rwenzoris were formed millions of years ago when violent tectonic activity forced together two halves of the African continent, creating theGreat Rift Valley.

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Kayaking in Hallstatt

Zay starts his kayaking journey west of Hallstatt to explore the beautiful Hallstatt Lake. Along the way he is taught the correct way to paddle and keep the boat stable from his guide. Kayaking is a sport that can be done even if you have little previous experience, although you should always ensure you go out with an experienced guide. Don’t forget a lifejacket!

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