
France Recipes – Bouillabaisse by Christian Buffa

Serves 6


4 kg of Fish: the soup should contain at least 4 kinds of the following:
1.5kg Rascasse (scorpion fish)
1kg Saint Pierre (John Dory)
6 slices of Fielas (conger eel)
6 slices of baudroie (monkfish)
3 Galinettes (gurnard)
1kg small rock fish for the stock

675g Tomatoes, cut into quarters
1 kg Potatoes, peeled and sliced
2 Onions, sliced
6 Garlic, crushed whole in peel
5 tbsp Olive Oil
1 Fennel bulb
1 tsp Saffron
Pastis, 2 glasses
1 Parsley bunch
5-10 g Salt



  1. Fry the onion and garlic in the oil until golden brown, add tomatoes and pastis.
  2. Clean the rockfish and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally until the mass obtains the consistency of dough.
  4. Cover with boiling water.
  5. Add fennel, garlic, parsley, pepper.
  6. Puree.
  7. Add the remaining ingredients: first the potatoes then the fish according to size and thickness of flesh (scorpion fish, John Dory, conger eel, monkfish).
  8. Keep on the boil for approximately 20 minutes, 5 minutes before serving add the remaining fish (gurnard).
  9. Serve: Remove the fish, potatoes and serve separately on a platter. The soup should be served as a first course as well as with the platter of fish as a second course.
  10. Serve with Rouille.


Add saffron and pimiento to an aioli.