
Pilot’s 2023 travel list

Dear Friends, Welcome to our suggestions of best places to visit in 2023 based on our site visits, filming experiences ,what’s happening in the world and our own  research trips.

Check out our guides and TV shows to these destinations for more information on what to see and do.


Happy travelling from The Pilot Team:

1.Berlin: One of Europe’s  great cities with a fascinating, troubled and complex history.

2.The Greek Islands: A great cultural experience combined with excellent food and a deeply relaxing island vibe.

3.Mexico: Explore the hidden Yucatan peninsula, sample extraordinary cuisine in Veracruz and dive into a deep cultural experience in Mexico City.

4.Peru: Home of the Incas, the world’s only mountain empire.

5.Hawaii: Polynesian vibes and an ancient mariner history.

6.Madrid: Europe’s quality city.

7.Bali:  Cultural escape in the tropics – and beaches too.

8.Egypt: The ancient sites and treasures of the pharaohs never cease to impress.

9.Nigeria: One of Africa’s biggest, loudiest, craziest, colourful and most friendly countries.

10. Scotland: Wild weather, breathless landscapes, friendly people and a wee dram.